Saturday, July 14, 2012

Gotta get back to weight watchers!

Saturday painting was down at the tridge again.  Priscilla got this photo of me ... oh, look at that belly!  I should post this pic on my fridge, maybe I would stop opening it all the time for the chocolate ice cream!

I drew the tridge again ... I am getting a collection of tridge prints!  (Midland is unique for its bridge over the spot where 2 rivers join and become a third.  Our 3 legged bridge is called a tridge.)

Loving my calligraphy pen to sketch and a light wash of watercolors.


Vicki Holdwick said...

Nice wc sketch.

And boy can I relate to the weight. Why is it so easy to put on and so difficult to take off.


renate said...

Hello Cat:) Nice meeting you! Most important is how you feel! Don't let it rule your life!! Your watercolor is really nice. Love it!